Pancanology Is On YouTube

It’s been quite a while since I have added posts to this blog, but I have been busy.

I started a Pancanology YouTube channel to experiment with delivering information in other ways. I realize that not all people read blogs and that many are visual learners, like myself. Now that the channel is over 3 years old, perhaps I should point my blog readers to the channel?

Most of the content is pancreatic cancer specific, but there are also resources for understanding cancer research no matter what type of cancer. It remains ad-free (at least I’m making no money from it).

By far the most watched video is on reading Kaplan-Meier graphs. I know that most of the viewers are not pancreatic cancer related but rather some classrooms liked my explanation enough that it is a part of their course work.

I’d like to add new content more frequently, but life keeps getting in the way. After 6 years of NED cancer status, we finally felt comfortable enough to become untethered from our local NCI major cancer center in Dallas. Now I’m in a much smaller medical market in Eugene, Oregon that has no pancreatic cancer specialists. Fortunately I have learned a thing or two along the way.

Soon after moving, my father came down with pancreatic cancer and I tried to help him through that experience. He passed away after 6 weeks that seemed too long and too short. I learned a lot through that 2nd experience that was both similar and different.

Anyways, here are the published videos from my YouTube channel and I hope they are useful to all. Leave comments in the comments section of each YouTube video.

2017-04-23Pancanology Explains Kaplan-Meier GraphsAn explanation of Kaplan-Meier graphs in cancer research
2017-05-11Pancanology Explains Causes of CA19-9Why pancreatic cancer patients have high CA19-9 readings
2017-12-02Pancanology Explains CA19-9 and Treatment EffectivenessCA19-9 can be used to track pancreatic adenocarcinoma treatment effectiveness
2018-01-21Pancanology Explains White Blood Cell Counts During ChemotherapyWhat happens to white blood cell counts during chemotherapy?
2019-01-23Pancanology Answers Pancreatic Cancer New Patient FAQPancreatic Cancer patient FAQ. What are the best treatments and hospitals? What should I ask my oncologist? Get the answers here!
2019-12-19Pancanology Explains Why Chemotherapy Stops WorkingIn this video, I use drawings to explain why chemotherapy ultimately stops working in most cases. Once we know why, we can employ better treatment strategies.
2020-10-07Pancanology Explains PubMed Clinical Trials SearchesIn this video, I demonstrate a PubMed search of clinical trials for a specific drug candidate (CPI-613) and provide brief explanations of the results, an overview of a phase 1 clinical trial abstract, and access the full paper.
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